The Guild of Guardian Diaries — Edition #7

Guild Of Guardians
9 min readOct 11, 2022


Welcome to Edition #7 of The Guild of Guardians Dev Diaries!

Guardians — those of you who have journeyed alongside us over the past year have witnessed the trials and tribulations we’ve overcome, as well as our many triumphs. Nevertheless, over the past few months, it’s become apparent that a 2022 launch would simply not do these efforts justice. Following feedback from our community after two successful demos and fresh perspectives from new team members, we’ve decided to push back the launch to a time when we can deliver the standard of game that will truly disrupt the entire gaming industry. We share this bittersweet news in complete transparency because without your immense support, we wouldn’t be where we are today, and we are excited to continue building alongside this amazing community!


  • Roadmap update: GOG launch will be moved to 2023
  • Guild of Guardians has partnered with the biggest names in esports to bring web3 gaming to millions
  • Refer & Earn — We recently launched a week-long referral program designed to empower and reward the community
  • Game development updates, including UI leaks
  • More exciting lore leaks. See below for more details!

Roadmap Update

Despite the bear market, 2022 has been a HUGE year for Guild of Guardians. We’ve used this time to build, level up game development and community growth activities, and we’ve more than doubled the size of our team. We successfully launched two different demos and have developed many needle-moving partnerships to set Guild of Guardians up for long-term success.

However, during this momentous time, it has become clear that in order to do the game, community and web3 gaming space justice, we need to move the GOG launch timeline out. We know this will be disappointing news for those eagerly waiting, but the Guild of Guardians team values transparency, and we want to share the logic behind this decision with the community as soon as possible.

Launch Timeline Update

There are two reasons why we expect the launch to be delayed.

  1. Stronger first impression: We fundamentally believe that web3 can be used to make games even BETTER than their web2 counterparts. Despite overwhelmingly positive feedback from the community, we want to make the core gameplay loop and the strategic gameplay elements even better before we release GOG to the public. This will allow for more relevant feedback, leave a better first impression, and ultimately make the big global launch of GOG more successful.
  2. The unpredictability of web3 innovation: It takes time and patience to build the future of gaming, and we are constantly learning and innovating throughout the process. Working with new technologies means facing new, unanticipated challenges — all of which is part of being the “first” of anything, but also means things take longer than we might anticipate. For us, a few examples include navigating the rules and requirements needed to launch a web3 game in the App store and integrating a seamless player wallet experience into the end-to-end game and blockchain systems. Once done well, these will empower us to onboard millions into web3, but also take time to get right.

We’re making great strides and plan to announce an updated launch date as soon as possible. Although exacting timelines can be tricky, we are committed to sharing regular progress updates so the community can follow along, and will likely continue to run private playtests as we approach the launch. Please rest assured that the team is working hard to make Guild of Guardians as successful as possible.

The community is rapidly growing, we have a playable game that we’re constantly iterating on, we’re still hiring and growing the team, and we’re as excited as ever to deliver a meaningful player experience that defines the future of web3 gaming. As always, we appreciate your support and patience as we continue to develop and grow.

Guild of Guardians partners with the biggest names in esports to bring web3 gaming to millions!

You may have heard that Guild of Guardians just announced an unprecedented partnership with eight of the biggest names in esports! Cloud9, Fnatic, NAVI, Ninjas in Pyjamas, NRG, SK Gaming, T1, and Team Liquid.

The announcement garnered huge global interest with coverage from Venture Beat, The Block, NFT Gators, Delux, eSports Insider, Stockhead and more!

This is a landmark partnership for the entire gaming industry and will expose Guild of Guardians and web3 to millions of esports enthusiasts and is another leap forward in bridging the gap between web2 and web3 gaming.

Our eight partners have a combined valuation of over $2 billion, and their willingness to trust us to shepherd their IP in our game is a huge sign of faith, and they are fully committed to making Guild of Guardians a success!

We’ve got so many exciting esport-related activities in the mix, including plans of integrating the esport brands into the universe of Guild of Guardians.

The next phase of this global partnership will be to introduce playable characters that are either exclusively sold or will be made exclusively available to players in the game, but more on that soon! Be sure to keep an eye out, and if you haven’t already, check out the announcement article to learn more!

Community Update

While game development is our core goal this year, building and keeping our amazing community engaged is also at the forefront, and growing our pre-registration list has always been a part of that. Our pre-registration list has grown by 50,000 in the last month alone, so you may have noticed that we’ve been experimenting with various new activities…

Refer & Earn $GOG

The Guild of Guardian’s Refer & Earn program recently went live! This is the first iteration of the X to earn milestone in our roadmap and was designed to empower and reward the community for growing the Guild of Guardians pre-registration list.

The goal was simple — Refer and earn! For every successful referral, participants will receive 1 $GOG token. The more referrals successfully referred, the more tokens you’ll receive.

Each referral will undergo a validation process to ensure the program is fair for all, so we ask for your patience in distributing rewards. Check out this article for more information!

Experimenting with Ads

While we genuinely believe that empowering the community to build Guild of Guardians will have the most meaningful impact, we’ve also been experimenting with ads across different channels, including TikTok, Facebook and YouTube, and we’ve seen great results thus far! We’ve also gained valuable insights about different gamer audiences that will further enable us in our mission of onboarding hundreds of millions of players. Check out our latest video ad below 👇🏽

Community-run Trivia

The Ambassador team has been working hard behind the scenes to ideate and deliver on engaging community events and activities. This includes the long awaited trivia nights that will be hosted by the one and only Stepfam!

Prizes will be up for grabs as we cover topics ranging from Guild of Guardians to anything you can think of! Keep an eye out for Discord announcements as these will begin in the near future. Be sure to put your creative thinking hat on and we’ll see you there!

Please note, dates and times are placeholders only

Product Update — $GOG Circulating Supply

We are cleaning up how we report on the circulating supply for tokens, including all unlocked tokens in circulating supply (consistent with leading coin trackers and other tokens). In short, the reported figure of circulating supply will have a one-off increase as we include all unlocked tokens (even those that have not been used). We believe this is more consistent, simple, and transparent for all token holders.

This change purely affects how we present circulating supply to drive more clarity and transparency for the community. There are NO changes to what was in the original whitepaper. We have recently added firepower to our tokenomics team and will be levelling up our processes over time and we’ll be providing further community updates about our strategy with unused tokens (e.g. usage plans, relocking to enhance community confidence, etc.) Moving forward, you can expect circulating supply to be updated regularly once a month based on this new definition. Check out this article to learn more.

Sushi Onsen Rewards

Don’t forget that you can earn more $GOG by contributing your $GOG to the Sushi Onsen liquidity pool! The liquidity incentive is currently set to provide 2,000 $GOG/day in total rewards across all liquidity providers. Check out the rewarder contract here.

Game Design Updates — Guilds, Crafting and Raids UI/UX

The game design team has been busy levelling up the GOG user interface to give clear, detailed instructions on the best preparation for raids, guilds and crafting.

Belonging to a Guild

Above: The Guild Hall! Seen from the point of view of a regular member within the Guild.

From left to right,

  • We see all the customisation details of the guild such as emblem, name, guild type, guild preferences/styles, and description.
  • An area for members to stay up to date with Guild News (like: “Craft Complete or Raid Started”) and Guild Chat to organise, complete activities, or just be social.
  • A member list so members can have visibility on their Guild make up, member details, and whether or not they’re available to join in on the fun.

Embarking on Guild Raids

Above: Guild Raids set up seen from the point of view of either a Guild Officer or Leader as they choose which Raid they want the Guild to start prepping for next.

We see a handful of things:

  • Brief description of the boss which might include some strategic hints as to what might be needed to defeat them.
  • A power recommendation to help you do some quick math as to whether or not your guild should be attempting the Raid.
  • Number of attempts left before the Raid becomes locked for the remainder of the cycle.
  • The difficulty of the Raid can be chosen as well. They range from Tier 1 to Tier 5. Each tier provides better rewards, but has more strict contribution requirements.

Working together in Guild Crafting

Above: Guild Crafting set up seen from the point of view of either a Guild Officer or Leader as they choose which Craft they want the Guild to start prepping for next.
  • Players can see the basic attributes of the equipment (rarity, type, level requirement), the stat ranges of the items that can be crafted from the recipe, and an image of the item.
  • Players can check how other items from the same recipe are being listed on the marketplace via the “Market” tab.
  • Players will need to choose a starting sell price for the item before opening up the craft to Guild member contribution. This price can be changed later, but the main purpose for setting it so early is to provide other guild members extra info to help them decide if they want to contribute to this craft.

World & Lore

We have kickstarted a long-term project in further developing the lore and universe of Guild of Guardians to make the game more immersive and enriching. This will take some time to fully take life, but lays important foundations to expand the Guild of Guardians Universe (hint: something on our Roadmap 2.0!)

With trees as tall as towers, the Darkwood forest is an endless maze! Nature has reclaimed the bodies of those left behind, never to be seen again.

Darkwood is a wildland of predators. Its labyrinthine forest is always shifting. Even the wisest guides get lost! Ribbons of light shine through its thick canopy of branches. As dangerous as the Dread, the forest protects itself from hostile forces.

Caught in a stalemate with the roots around them, the Dread once managed to invade the village of Juniper, but the forest consumed them! Its people rebuilt Juniper in the canopy―never to fall prey again.

Closing remarks

Thank you for your support. It’s been a whirlwind year and we couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve achieved. The team here at Guild of Guardians has scaled 2–3x in size (and is still hiring!), we have a massive runway to be ready to build through the bear market (Immutable Series C of $200m), we’ve made incredible upgrades on the game with new features, and have begun expanding into new audiences and channels — including our landmark esports partnership.

We are still very early on in the journey, and this is just the beginning. Our mission is to onboard hundreds of millions of gamers into web3 and set the standards of both quality and innovation in the industry. We’re confident that the difficult decision to delay the initial public release of Guild of Guardians will be the right choice, and ultimately result in a better first impression and a more successful global launch. We’re as excited and committed as ever and look forward to spearheading the future of gaming together with the community.

Until next time.



Guild Of Guardians

Guild Of Guardians is a blockchain mobile RPG published by Immutable, and developed by Mineloader. Turn your passion for gaming into Assets!